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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about our productsDo they really work?Yes of course they do. We have been doing this for 4 years, and are very successful. How many should I take for them to have an effect?Our capsule products are packaged as one very decent dose for one person, which will generally give you an experience lasting 6-8 hours. What would happen if I mixed your products?All of our products contain natural ingredients, so feel free to mix, and create your very own high. Also, when it comes to mixing them with any recreational drugs it could reduce any harmful side effects, as well as enhance experiences and improve the desired effects, although this obviously cannot be recommended. How long will they last?Depending on the amount you have eaten before hand and how many you take, anything from 6-8 hours. Will they harm me in any way?As long as the are enjoyed responsibly and in moderation there is absolutely no harm. However be sure to avoid taking any whilst on medication. What if I’ve been drinking?Alcohol can mask the effects if drunk in large quantities. Are they suitable for vegetarians?The capsules are made from gelatin, but the contents can simply be emptied into drink and taken that way. Do you get a comedown?They contain a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that replenish those used naturally by the body during stimulation, thus preventing any possible physical burnout/comedown. What if I’m pregnant?Don’t do it. Would you give your child an ‘E’, be it herbal or not? Is it anything like the real thing?These products are designed to give effects that are as close as possible to their illegal counterparts, however our products are also better in many ways. We use healthier natural ingredients. Each product contains a qualified dose. Our products are not cut with who knows what. You can’t get nicked with these in your pocket. How can they be legal?We use only herbal extracts of little known and uncontrolled herbs. What’s actually in them?All of our products have the ingredients listed on the packaging, as well as the effects. Full design reports and ingredient listings can be found under ‘more info’ in the products section. How can I get more of these?We have an extremely efficient mail-order service, and a large number of international distributors and retailers. Which one do you recommend?Individuality is the key in this case. Simply look for the desired effect and find the one that suits you best. How much do you charge for P&P?For any European orders below £50 a charge of £2.50 is charged. Any order over this is posted free of charge. For all orders outside Europe there is a £5 carriage charge on all orders. If I place an order with you, will the packaging have “Herbal Highs” written all over it?No, and any data we receive from you will be classed as confidential. Our packaging is very discrete. Is it unwise to take any of your products if I’m on medication?It would not be recommended and in some cases could be very dangerous, as they may react against each other. How long before they take effect?This depends mainly on the amount you have eaten before hand, obviously the emptier the stomach the quicker the response. Roughly 30 mins to an hour and a half. How can a herb work like a chemical?Herbs are made of a series of chemicals, (as are all organic substances) Kava Kava for instance contains 60 different chemicals! Why didn’t they work?It’s very rare that our products will have no effect, however it has been heard of. This is commonly due to not taking the whole dose, or having too much to eat before hand. Drugs and drink are also hard things to compete with in some cases. |
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